Follow service standards to maintain priority
Last updated 12 Oct 2022
We monitor your rides using more than just user ratings. We also check user feedback. For example, users can leave positive or negative comments.
Why priority points and access to orders are lost
You’ll lose priority points or possibly even access to orders if you violate quality standards, for example: forcing users to cancel their order.
How it works
First we’ll notify you of your violations to warn that you may lose Priority Points if you don’t improve.
If you continue to violate our quality standards, you’ll lose up to 5 priority points for each violation.
If you have too many violations, your access to orders will be restricted for 50 days.
How to restore lost priority points
Don’t ask or force users to cancel orders. If you don’t violate our standards during your next 50 rides, your priority points will be restored in full.