Comfort+ class standards
Last updated
22 Jan 2025
Passengers pay more attention to detail in premium service classes. Therefore, driver and vehicle standards are higher.
Vehicle information matches the information in Yango Pro exactly.
Exterior, windows, and headlights/tail lights without any damage.
It should be comfortable for the user to sit in the back seat. To ensure this, move the front passenger seat as far forward as it goes on the treads. Then tilt the seat as far forward as possible. It can touch the front panel but shouldn’t block the passenger side-view mirror.
Immaculate exterior in good weather. If the weather is bad (for example, there’s slush on the ground), door handles, door frames, and side windows should be clean.
Clean and dry interior. Pay close attention to areas that get dirty the fastest: floor mats and seats.
The interior is clear of all unnecessary items, except child safety or booster seats.
The interior does not have any strong odors, including tobacco and air fresheners.
Seats are free of covers.
Car air conditioner must be working.
Interior multimedia screens should be turned off when you pick up users. You can turn them back on if the user asks you to.
All branding and other information materials on the car must be placed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Service offer.
The trunk is clean and available to hold two 50×80×35 cm suitcases. Your trunk should only be used to store outerwear, an umbrella, and a child safety seat.
We also recommend having iOS and Android (including Type-C) charging cables available.
Dress appropriately and look professional. Don’t wear athletic or beach clothing, tank tops, slippers, or flip-flops.
Be polite and respectful when talking to riders, and always say hello and goodbye.
Listen to user requests to close the window, change the music, etc.
Don’t violate traffic rules breaking the speed limit, crossing solid lane dividing lines, running red lights, etc.
Don’t drive recklessly making sharp lane changes and stops if not absolutely necessary, preventing others from passing, etc.
Don’t get distracted while driving watching videos, making video calls, texting, etc.
Don’t talk on the phone (except for short calls with a headset on).
Don’t drive contrary to the Navigator unless the passenger asks you to.
Don’t be confrontational.
Never complete orders under someone else’s profile.
Never go online in a vehicle other than the one in your profile.
Never give others access to your account or let them use it.
Contact Yango if you get in a traffic accident. We’ll explain how to file an insurance claim and what to do next.
Upload a picture to your Yango Pro profile.
Send pictures of required documents in Yango Pro.
It’s prohibited to place stickers, leaflets, seat covers with ads, and any other advertising media in your car. Taxi company (carrier) information can be displayed on the right of the front panel.
Head towards the passenger as soon as you accept a ride request.
Only tap Arrived when you’ve come to a complete stop at the pickup address.
Start rides in silence or turn on the radio at a low volume to a channel with soft music.
Always turn on the air conditioner and close the windows when starting the ride. Set and maintain a comfortable temperature inside the car (20 to 22 °C). Pay attention to users' requests to change the temperature or turn off the air conditioner.
Help riders with their bags.
Always drop passengers off at the exact location indicated in Yango Pro. The only exception is if they ask to stop earlier or traffic laws prohibit stopping at the destination address.
If a passenger wants to change their destination, ask them to change the address in the app manually.
Always have change available (including to break larger bills).
Contact Support if passengers leave their personal belongings behind.
Our service prohibits
Confrontational behavior.
Smoking right before or during the ride (including e-cigarettes), or allowing passengers to do so.
If a passenger wants to smoke, suggest making a stop or waiting until the end of the ride.
Consuming smoking or chewing mixtures.
Asking passengers to cancel an order or change the payment type to cash.
Asking passengers to pay more than what’s indicated in Yango Pro. This includes asking to pay extra for services not included in the service class.
Asking passengers to give you a 5-star rating. However, you can ask passengers to rate the ride. For example: “I’d really appreciate it if you could rate your experience today.”
Arriving to orders with other people or animals in your car.
Abusing the Yango service in any way.
Don’t forget about our quality standards: if you violate them, you may lose access to orders temporarily or permanently.
Also, all types of rude behavior towards other drivers, users, or service employees are prohibited:
Insults and swear words are prohibited.
Never aggressively demand a response or resolution to your issue from the Support team.
Threats and personal remarks are prohibited.
Sending inappropriate photos is prohibited.
If you systematically violate our behavior rules, your access to orders may be restricted temporarily or permanently.