Last updated 4 Aug 2023
Every ride is a chance to show passengers that you’re an experienced professional in the business. To clearly and concisely measure your efforts and make every good ride count, we ask passengers to rate you after the trip is over. Your service quality in Yango is based on your most recent 150 passenger ratings.
Your rating is a weighted average from your most recent 150 rides, where the newer the feedback, the more it counts. When you start driving again after being away for a while (for example, on vacation), your rating stays the same as when you left.
Yango Pro has everything you need, and if your rating starts to slip, we’ll tell you. The easiest way to check your rating is to just look at the top panel in your profile.
When a new driver first goes online, their rating is a solid 5 (based on 50 rides all rated 5).
Access to ride requests. If your rating is between 4.5 and 5, you get them. If it’s below 4.5, you’re temporarily blocked.
Priority in ride request distribution.
You’ll be temporarily blocked if your rating falls below 4.5.
If it’s your first time being blocked, you can regain access by following the directions in Yango Pro. When you’re reconnected, you get the chance to complete another 150 rides where:
— requests are offered as usual
— by the end you need to have boosted your rating above 4.5. The first ride of your probationary 150 rides will have the rating you had when you were blocked.
If during this period you don’t change anything about your driving style and your rating continues to fall, you’ll be blocked again before you complete the full 150 rides. You’ll be offered another chance to drive in that service class in 6 months.
If after 150 rides you lift your rating above 4.5, you’ll have access to the service like normal. If you don’t, your next chance to try will be no sooner than in 6 months.
If it’s your second time being blocked, you lose access for 6 months automatically.
If you lost access to premium service classes because your rating fell, you’ll still get ride requests from lower service classes.
1.2 How to restore access to premium service classes
If you lost access to premium service classes for the first or second time, you can try and restore it immediately. Just go to the Driver section in Yango Pro and tap the service class you lost access to. Then follow the instructions to restore temporary access.
Once temporary access is restored, you’ll have the same rating you had before it was blocked and the chance to complete another 150 rides where:
requests are offered as usual
you can raise your rating back to the threshold
If during this period you don’t change anything about your driving style and your rating continues to fall, your access to premium service classes will be blocked again before you complete the full 150 rides. You’ll be offered another chance to restore access to premium service classes in 6 months.
If after 150 rides you lifted your rating back up to the threshold, you’ll have access to premium service classes like normal. If you don’t, your next chance to restore access will be no sooner than in 6 months.
If it’s your third time being blocked, you lose access to premium service classes for 6 months automatically.