Support and contacting users
Last updated 4 Aug 2023
How Support works
Our Support team will help you no matter what the issue, for example, if:
users forget something in your vehicle
you encounter cashless payment issues
you suspect someone else is using your Yango account
To contact Support:
Open your Yango Pro profile and tap Support.
Select one of the suggested topics.
If the instructions don’t help, send Support a message about your issue.
You’ll get a notification as soon as our team responds.
How to contact users
If you need to contact a user before an order, you don’t need to message Support. You can call or message users directly in Yango Pro.
Yango encrypts both your phone number and the user’s. Just tap the button and wait for the system to connect you. You’ll hear an automated message and don’t have to enter the phone number yourself.